Monday 9 December 2013

Planning: Audience of trailer

Identifying the target audience for a product is essential to effectively target your product at them. To ensure I was relating to my audience I decided to research a storyline similar to mine, so that I would know the audience of both of these would be similar/same.
My storyline is particularly relevant to Pretty Little Liars so I researched their target audience...

My target audience...
One Too Many Lies
is Warner Bros Pictures and Morgan Creek latest production. The film entails a tight friendship between teenage girls who are all drawn closely because of the secrets of their past. The teenage film will engage in some of the most common conventions of mystery thriller drama today; bad guys evade the good guys, main protagonists' reckless and sometime illegal behaviour. Some may argue that this can have a dangerous influence upon the watchers however the realistic dynamic draws the attention of varied demographics.

The audience is primarily made up of females between the ages of 16 to 25. This teens/young adult will be able to relate to the protagonists as they are of similar ages. However secondary members of the audience engage also; males between ages of 16 to 25.

Demographics will vary from A/B1, C1 and D. With regards to the
Values, Attitudes and Lifestyle framework my audience would be categorised as strivers as they will be young, fun-loving and trendy, as the film will portray a contemporary ideology. With reference to the Uses and Gratifications theory my audience would be in the category of entertainment, as the purpose of this film is to entertain only, so by watching the film they will be seeking this purpose.

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