Tuesday 17 December 2013

Log: Audience Feedback

The following link shows the audience feedback I have received so far.


From this information at the moment it has given me advice as to point I could improve/make stronger...

  1. It was recognised that the dates were different, which I had noticed as I decided that defining a season was a little too brief, so decided to change it to a month; this I then changed on my trailer also. 
  2. It was mentioned that the dialogue was a little loud, this therefore I decreased a little. Someone also suggested that within my trailer instead of having one missed call, I could use a few to emphasis the idea that they are be harassed. I particularly like it and may consider incorporating this if possible.
  3. One suggested that I could perhaps include more institutional information, this I recently changed as at the end of my trailer, I now have a declarative which states the companies which are involved in the production. 
  4. One criticised the poster saying that it does not portray the same narrative. However the trailer that I exported to be shown for the feedback has been developed a lot, so much so that the narrative actually makes sense of that conveyed through the poster. 
  5. I asked for improvements and one suggested that I could use video effects on some shots, they recommended black and white. I did in fact try this however it seemed a little strange in comparison to the rest of the trailer. Therefore when I am explaining the story of the past in the introduction to the trailer I have used the clip effect of 'dream' in order to show a contrast. 
  6. One suggested that I could also use inter-titles, I did consider this myself so I am going to take this advice on board and see whether this works, if it does then I shall include, but a fear that it may be too much.
I am very pleased to know that each of the respondents understood the genre, can strongly see a sense of brand identity and agree that the certificate should be a 15.

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