Tuesday 3 December 2013

Construction: Top third of film magazine

The images above shows what has been developed so far on my film magazine. I felt that the top third was an important part  to begin with, as this positioning was conventional place which I have followed through with the ideas I gained within my research.

This will not be the first issue of Motion Pictures, as hopefully this will become a signature font and will eventually act as iconography of the magazine itself. This way by part being covered by 'blood', to represent the genre of the film, the title will still be recognisable to the audience, creating a brand identity for the product.

I also included the website address and date of the edition in this section also, as firstly the web address is placed in a position which then allowed me to visually balance the written content, to fulfil the page as a full heading. As this adds to the aesthetic appeal, it could be consistently used in the same place for each issue, creating a sense on brand identity of the institution. The date enables me to cover the institutional purpose also, the date on the other existing media product I analysed was written in a very small font, so I may consider changing the size when my product begins to progress.

I then added a banner at the very edge of the top third, which stated 'your monthly thriller magazine'. These personal pronoun 'your' establishes a connection with the audience. The 'thriller' magazine identifies the genre of the magazine, however I am still unsure whether to create a mainstream or specialised one.

I asked my focus group for some feedback, and they liked the idea of the banner however was unsure whether to use the phrase that I have done. So I will have to consider other statements.

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