Monday 23 December 2013

Construction: Strapline of Magazine

Originally I decided to add a strapline to my magazine front cover, as this was used in all the real media products that I analysed in my research. and I wrote 'BEST THRILLER PREVIEW EVER!' However after looking into my final design more I felt that instead of creating a thriller-genre based magazine I would make it a more widespread magazine, and just change the genre of each edition depending on what the genre of the main article was on. Much like the large magazine corporations such as TotalFilm and Empire.

Therefore as my trailer was mystery thriller based, I acted as though this edition was a one-off due to the hybridised genre. The way the layout changed and the effects added would indicate this. So I then decided to change the phrase within the strapline.

The declarative now states 'WORLD'S BEST PREVIEW TO FILM'.

I have used an incrementum by creating a large mass audience through the noun phrase. By placing my magazine on a global scale it develops the idea that despite all the competition it may face this is still the 'best'. By the use of the superlative 'best' it indicates to the reader that this is a unique magazine and that the reader cannot receive anything better. The latter of the phrase denotes the purpose of the magazine which can easily be interpreted by the readers.

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