Monday 2 December 2013

Log: Improvements to current work

In todays lesson we looked at a powerpoint where we were shown previous examiners reports, which gave us an insight as to what we need to do to improve our current work. This was very helpful as it has allowed me to identify areas which could be developed.

Click here to view the powerpoint slideshow we were shown.

From looking at this, there are particular areas where I have recognised that I could improve.

  1. Link back continuously to my focus group to show feedback which I can then use to improve.
  2. Ensure I make use of animatics/storyboards to establish original ideas.
  3. Make use of screengrabs and logbooks to show how my production and ideas are developing.
  4. Make connections between my research, planning and construction work, for example explain why I analysed something and how it has influenced my own ideas and product.

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