Tuesday 31 December 2013

Log: Film poster development

The images I decided to use on my film poster were the ones shown below. I used these three as I felt that they all portray the same narrative and connote similar meanings. All three images use direct mode of address which is something I wanted to use in order to create a relationship with the audience. Each of their facial expression are rather neutral, whereby the audience cannot specifically understand their emotion.


My idea is to place them against a wall, of which the mise-en-scene will connote that they are suspects of a crime, for example behind them I shall place a series of lines and numbers matching the real life mise-en-scene of a police station. In orde
r for this to be effective, I am going to ensure that each image are the same size, by this I mean the initial picture will be cropped so that the same look will be achieved which has been done in the other two.

I am going to place an effect on the image; lighting effects whereby a shadow will be casted upon part of them, and a bright light shone on them upon the top left, this adds to the idea of interrogation, as a spotlight is usually placed on the suspect to pressurise them; this is usually a convention used in film.

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