Monday 2 December 2013

Construction: Magazine Titles

After deciding on the name of my film magazine was: Motion Pictures, I needed a font which would make my magazine distinctive.

Here is an image of three creatively different titles:

As I wanted to turn the name of the magazine into a creative logo/icon I had to ensure that I had a font which would allow me to establish this. The font I used is called 'wrestlemania' which I found to be very effective due to the bold and emphasis on the noun 'motion' which has connotations of cinema, film etc so I liked how this was displayed.

My next decision was whether to have the words separated or joined together. I immediately preferred the phrase joined as one, as I felt this acted as a brand more than when the two words were separated. I made the fact that it was two words by enlarging the 'P' to make 'Pictures' more recognisable.
I then played around with effects and had to choose out of these three favourites.

Using my own opinion and that of my focus group, I have decided to use the third option. As it was voted that the first was too bolded which made it look a little comic-like and cartoon which would portray the film as imaginable and unrealistic. We also thought this on the second but the opposite way, that the line was too thin and did not seem to really work as a masthead as it did not strike the audience. 

We thought that the third title worked the best as it received the portrayal that was wanted. Particularly as this was the favourite of the focus group I intend to use this, as I know that this is aesthetically pleasing to them.

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