Wednesday 20 November 2013

Research: Cinematic horror

Click here to view the article on the gendered aesthetics of cinematic horror.

What I have learnt...
  1. Referring to a feminine aesthetic of horror is a reflection of specific interest in the female horror film audience. 
  2. The emotions of the female adds to the aesthetic appeal of the horror.
  3. Women like horror films just as much as men because of this, but there are some aspects which they prefer eg. special effects, make up.
  4. Two types of viewers; specialist and average. Special viewers are more interested in graphic horror, whereas the average viewers who find their curiosity in less-explicit horror but in genres such as fantasy.
  5. Women preferences include the stronger representations of femininity for example developments in characters of a female herom as well as attractive, rich, atmospheric, fantastical mise-en-scene and cinematography.
  6. Female audience least preference is gory/graphic images.
  7. They tend to make negotiated readings with regards to the reception theory- Stuart Hall.
  8. Womens preferences are contradictory to stereotypes; because of the perceived masculine nature of the genre and discourse surround the hegemonic and idealised models of femininity.
  9. High levels of suspense enjoyed by both genders, particularly females.
  10. Gothic mise-en-scene should be repeatedly throughout, as a favourite scenic image.

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