Wednesday 1 January 2014

Construction: Film poster development

Once placing the images of the three girls on the poster, it was clear that the text could not be seen, therefore I decided to change the colour. For my titleI changed the colour to red, the same red used on the magazine front cover creating a sense of brand identity; my intentions are to use this within my film poster also to show how the three are acting as a whole package.

I then changed the colour of the typography within the credits block to a bronze/gold colour which worked alongside the effect on the image, as it casts a shadow creating a contrast of a bright and dark colour, which i have carried through to the text also.

My next development was adding in certificate logo. I felt that as my film would have a lot of violence and sinister plots, 15 was a necessary age to certify this film trailer. This would also fit in with my target audience members.

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