Thursday 9 January 2014

Production: Creating a motif in my trailer

In order to develop a sense of mystery within the trailer, it was suggested to me that I create a motif so that the narrative could be reiterated to the audience again and again. I particularly used this in places where the editing sequence was quite long and needed to be broken up.

Why did I choose this as my motif?
I felt that this shot in particular connotes the narrative of the overall plot. As it has the three best friends in one frame as well as the black glove which is iconography to the audience of the anonymous figure. With the thumb over the girl whom is kidnapped, it implies that this girl is no loner there.

I asked my focus group what they thought of this idea, and they felt that I this would be a good technique as it reinforces the idea of the narrative. Nevertheless they still suggested that I ensure they are quick shots with an effect on it, so that the audience can understand that it is the same shot.

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