Wednesday 15 January 2014

Thursday 9 January 2014

Production: Creating a motif in my trailer

In order to develop a sense of mystery within the trailer, it was suggested to me that I create a motif so that the narrative could be reiterated to the audience again and again. I particularly used this in places where the editing sequence was quite long and needed to be broken up.

Why did I choose this as my motif?
I felt that this shot in particular connotes the narrative of the overall plot. As it has the three best friends in one frame as well as the black glove which is iconography to the audience of the anonymous figure. With the thumb over the girl whom is kidnapped, it implies that this girl is no loner there.

I asked my focus group what they thought of this idea, and they felt that I this would be a good technique as it reinforces the idea of the narrative. Nevertheless they still suggested that I ensure they are quick shots with an effect on it, so that the audience can understand that it is the same shot.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Log: Changes to film poster

Through feedback I have decided to change my slogan for the film poster. Instead of the declarative 'its not over till I say it is', it now reads 'it's not over until she says it is'.

This is better grammatically and creates a further sense of relationship with the audience, as it provides a thought/quotation of the protagonists shown in the image. I have also added an effect to this phrase, whereby a shadow is used which adds to the element of the genre and produces a more sinister approach.

I have also added the logos of the social networking sites, that my active target audience can use and likely to use already to gain further information of the film. 

Monday 6 January 2014

Planning: Testing inter-titles

In order to see whether my idea of creating inter-titles would work, I decided that it would be beneficial to do a test. I did this by producing a film/video PAL D1/DV document in Photoshop. I inserted text and imported the still as a JPEG into iPhoto. From here I could import this into iMovie, and when viewing the trailer in fullscreen I was able to see whether it was pixelated or blurry. 

The test did work, and the image was not blurred, so I then went on to produce others that I would actually include in my film trailer. 

Log: Construction to film trailer

To conclude my trailer I wanted certain information to be shown to the audience. Furthermore, I felt that the titles available on iMovie were not what I was looking. I decided to produce my own titles myself on photoshop. I followed through with the same colour and typography that I have used on my ancillary products so that the element of brand identity was created. 
The next title pages I created included the date of the release and included social networking sites, whereby the audience could look further into the film. Again for these I used the same colour and typography. 


Friday 3 January 2014

Log: Further production of film poster

This is how my film poster now looks, after adding in the 15 certificate. This image also shows a new background, as i want the models to look as though they are suspects, therefore I have placed them in front of a suspect wall. I created this wall myself on photoshop by inserting lines and changing the density of some (the bolded ones). This was a very time-consuming process however I am thrilled by the outcome as I feel it looks really effective and the preferred code I am trying to portray is being represented clearly.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Construction: Film poster development

Once placing the images of the three girls on the poster, it was clear that the text could not be seen, therefore I decided to change the colour. For my titleI changed the colour to red, the same red used on the magazine front cover creating a sense of brand identity; my intentions are to use this within my film poster also to show how the three are acting as a whole package.

I then changed the colour of the typography within the credits block to a bronze/gold colour which worked alongside the effect on the image, as it casts a shadow creating a contrast of a bright and dark colour, which i have carried through to the text also.

My next development was adding in certificate logo. I felt that as my film would have a lot of violence and sinister plots, 15 was a necessary age to certify this film trailer. This would also fit in with my target audience members.