Monday 9 September 2013

Research: action/mystery thriller trailers

I Know What You Did Last Summer...
In my feedback to my proposal I was told to look at this film, just by watching the trailer, it has influenced my ideas.
This plot of the film is established within the trailer, yet the full story is not revealed which is crucial within my trailer, in order to make the audience want to watch the film.
I like the way, they receive notes about how someone knows their secrets, this is what I intend to do also, but as we live in a post-modern society I shall be using mobile phones instead, where the sender is anonymous.
I criticise the background music used as I do not feel it fits in with the genre of the film, as it seems rather happy whereas the trailer is suppose to portray horror. Yet the voiceover works very well, this is a feature I intend to use as this way I will not reveal the whole story, but the background knowledge needed to be known to understand the trailer, can be spoken.


Pretty Little Liars promo...
This clip is a promo of Pretty Little Liars, another mystery thriller drama, the same genre as mine. From my proposal feedback again I was told to look at this series, so this is a clip of a drama similar to the trailer I intend to make.
It shows many different scenes where the girls are seen as distressed, however does not reveal too much which is something that I must ensure I do, as I do not want to give the full plot away.
The background music fits perfectly with the story of the trailer, which  is something I will also follow. It begins to build up slowly, although it has a fast tempo, loud irregular noises are played reinforcing the idea of thriller.
The short clip contains very quick shots, which builds up more of the story, and insights more of the people within the programme. The short shots acts in parallel to the fast tempo music and builds up tension, which makes the story understandable to the audience.

One Missed Call trailer...
I looked at this trailer because of the ringtone. As my idea is to create a mysterious stalker figure that harrasses a group of young, vulnerable girls via text messaging and calls. Therefore, may consider using this feature within my own piece.
This trailer does have background music however, when the ringtone is playing the scene is silent, which I feel is really effective so may use this also.
This trailer is interesting, as instead of using a voiceover, short scenes are shown each containing different content, explaining features which a narrator would say if it was a voiceover. I find this feature really effective as due to our post-modern society, the way the information is displayed fits in with this.


Taken trailer...
Within this trailer, I particularly like how there a story being told, and sometimes used as a voiceover when showing new scenes which relate to the dialogue.
I also like the way certain shots are quickly shown repeated to incite the audience of some specific features which make up the plot of the film. For example the shots in the time between 1:00-1:15.
The way the screen has been split allows the audience to view more of what happens, which will encourage the viewer to watch as it creates suspense as to what happens!

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