Wednesday 18 September 2013

Planning: Audience Feedback from treatment

From presenting my treatment to my peers, i have gained feedback which has influenced my ideas. 
Firstly, i need to develop my storyline further in order to make a fixed decision on what the film will be called. 
I feel that the feature that would work best would be the suggestion that the crime committed could relate to the friend who gets kidnapped, this way when the other two see her, it will be out of guilt. I feel this will be effective but difficult to get across to the audience, so will have to consider a technique which will allow this to be portrayed. 
This way my title will either be 'those who cried wolf' or 'you're my little secret' as these were the most popular. Furthermore i do like the idea of 'gone...but not forgotten' as this portrays the idea of the girls imagining the friend.
Other than those points my feedback seemed particularly positive, with many stating they liked my idea of the cliffhanger.

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