Thursday 24 October 2013

Planning: Focus group

Ella Kilkelly
Age: 17.
Hobbies/interests: Shopping, sailing, socialising.
Favourite genre of film: Horror or romance.
Favourite film: This means War.
Favourite TV programme: Breaking Bad.

Amy Oldfield
Age: 18.
Hobbies/interests: Working, cooking, reading.
Favourite genre of film: Mystery.
Favourite film: Gone baby Gone.
Favourite TV programme: Lost.

Emma Ferridge
Age: 19
Hobbies/interests: Listening to music, playing guitar, watching TV.
Favourite genre of film: Action.
Favourite film: Taken.
Favourite TV programme: Pretty Little Liars.

Amelia Knowles
Age: 17.
Hobbies/interests: Partying, watching films, writing reviews.
Favourite genre of film: Thriller.
Favourite film: Scream 4.
Favourite TV programme: Vampire Diaries.

Jack Lawrence
Age: 17
Hobbies/interests: Scootering.
Favourite genre of film: Horror.
Favourite film: Saw I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
Favourite TV programme: Lightfields.

I specifically selected this group of people, as firstly my primary audience is girls aged between 16-24 which is why the majority is female orientated but also including boys as their opinion would account for the secondary audience. All of these members also have an interest in some type of related genre so therefore would give me the most beneficial feedback. 

Planning: Audience feedback

In order to gain the responses I wanted I asked four questions to members of my target audience.focus group in order to understand their opinions on my trailer so far, and how I could change to improve it.

The questions I asked were...

  • Do you understand the narrative?
  • Do you like what footahe I have used so far?
  • Shall I use the contrast of the happier scenes to the second half?
  • Do you have any ideas of what else I could include?
All the people questionned said yes, that they did understand the narrative. This I was very pleased about as I have a niche genre which I have portrayed in an understandable way to the audience. They have picked up upon the conventions I have used such as the fast-paced editing. However they have mentioned some ideas, which I can consider in order to portray the genre even clearer. Some suggested to use shadowing and reveal more of the storyline. I have not completed the trailer yet so more of the storyline will be shown, I do also like the ideas of shadows, so may include this elements when filming.

Question two also showed that the audience liked the footages I had already used, which shows that I just need to film similar shots such as this to continue to portray a good mystery-thriller trailer. One also suggested using an establishing shot, which I shall include as this is what I have already planned on my storyboard.

Next asked whether I should maintain the current pattern of the the way the trailer is shown. They all said they did like the layout however, I could perhaps try cross-cutting or use flashbacks and see which one looks best and stick with that idea.

And lastly, question four, I asked if anyone of the people asked had further ideas of which I could incorporate. They just suggested to film more similar shots, and possibly come up with a twist as this could entice the audience more. 

Monday 14 October 2013