Thursday 18 July 2013

Research: Influence upon own product

Pick 5 points from your research that you have discovered and that influenced your idea. Make the connection between your research and your product explicit.
  • Within the trailer for Taken, which is a part of my research, there are particular shots which I feel are really effective. The editing is very quick, building up suspense and keeps the audience on their toes, which is something I want to use to create the thriller genre. The shots indicate the main features which make up the plot which is an essential for this particular film, however for my own it has a mystery theme, so in this case I may consider using these shot types as they work really well, yet ensure the main story is kept hidden. For example, instead of showing the resolution of the drama that has occurred, I would only show a section of the stalker's face etc. in order for it to remain a mystery.
  • I also found a common feature within most of the clips in my research was that there was a voiceover from a previous scene shown on top of other shots of scenes, as the dialogue matched the scenes that were being viewed. This is a feature which has influenced my idea as it joins the story of the trailer together as a whole providing the viewer with an incite to the story.
  • I recognised that when the trailer cuts to another completely different shot, there is a sound which continues the genre of the film. This is something I may consider using as I want to build up the tension throughout. For example, in the Pretty Little Liars promo clip, when switching scenes there is a noise, which fastens towards the end which builds up the suspense. 
  • The background music is something I must ensure is right and fitted with the trailer. Within the research as tension builds so does the sound, as well as editing, I will make sure I fulfill this also by making sure the sound, action and editing is in-sync. In order to find the right soundtrack I will research further by looking at more trailers, or even scenes from horror/thriller films to discover the type of music I should be looking for.
  • Lastly, the feature I picked up on within the One Missed Call trailer, is the ringtone which shows a call from an outsider. This is something I may consider using, as my ideas include the young girls being harassed by phonecalls and text messages from a mystery figure, so is a feature which influences my ideas. 

Thursday 4 July 2013

Research: Mary Poppins edited to become a horror genre

The editing of this Mary Poppins trailer has created a horror genre.

  • The lighting has be darkerned.
  • Scary music has been used to emphasise the theme.
  • Fast editing.
  • Louder volume of conventions of horror, for example the wind.